Feeding Children Everywhere Compassion Games
September 19, 2021 @ 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Announces the 6th Annual Feeding Children Everywhere (US Hunger) Compassion Games Event
Goal: 100,000 meals ($.30/per meal) – We need your help to reach the goal ($30,000). All donations go for meals and all meals go to local food banks and pantries.
Make your check out to Compassionate DFW with memo line “FCE,” and send to Compassionate DFW, P.O. Box 836764, Richardson, TX 75083-6764 OR go to https://www.compassionatedfw.org/give/ and click on the red “Donate” button. Indicate the amount you wish to donate and indicate in honor of “FCE.” If any questions contact Dr. Charles Barker, burnerb2@gmail.com or call 972 835-2843 and leave message.
(Compassionate DFW is a 501(3)(c) non-profit organization, tax exempt number 81-075745.)
Major Sponsorships are available and highly encouraged. We NEED your HELP and here is how we will recognize your generosity:
Platinum Level: $2500 – Partner Websites and Facebook recognition; Early Registration for 30 volunteers; Optional Display Table; Table Sponsorship Poster; Big Screen Roller Recognition at Event.
Gold Level: $1500 – Partner Websites and FB recognition; Early Registration for 15 volunteers; Table Sponsorship Poster; Big Screen Roller Recognition at Event.
Silver Level: $1000 – Early Registration for 10 volunteers; Table Sponsorship Poster; Big Screen Roller Recognition at Event.
Bronze: $500 – Early Registration for 5 volunteers; Big Screen Roller Recognition at Event.
General registration to volunteer begins August 15. Go to https://ushunger.org/event/compassionate-dfw-hunger-project2021/.
There are four shifts: 1200 – 1245; 1:15 – 2:00; 2:30 – 3:15; and 3:45 – 4:30
Please mark your calendar now to register beginning August 15 to help feed hungry families in our Richardson and Plano community areas. Thank you!